Edit an employee

Go to: Employees Names | Employees Details | Employees Permissions | Credit Allocation | Notifications | Status | Actions

Employees Names

First Name / Last Name
  • To modify an employee’s name, click on the respective cell, and it will become editable. Make the desired changes and click outside the cell to save the modifications.
  • Employees are initially sorted by first name, followed by last name. To reverse the sorting order, click on the column name “First Name” or “Last Name” — a small arrow will indicate the change.
  • If certain employee names appear at the top of the list, please edit the employee name and eliminate the whitespace before the name.

Employee Details

Email Address
  • The email address is used for login purposes (via Single Sign-On or basic login) and cannot be modified.
  • If an error is detected in the email, we recommend deleting the employee’s account and creating a new one.
  • A shortcut link has been included on the employee’s email address, providing quick access to the employee’s account through the web view.

Number Plates
  • This column displays the primary car registration for the employee. It is a mandatory field when using Ronspot Parking Management to identify vehicles within the car park.
  • To add, edit, delete, or view multiple car plates, simply click on the pencil icon, and a new window will open.

  • Roles serve as tags that can be assigned to employees, aiding in searches for colleagues with specific roles (e.g., fire marshal, first-aider, etc.).
  • The column indicates how many tags are associated with the employee.
  • To edit the employee’s tags, click on the number of tags, opening a new page for modification.

Card Number
  • This column is initially hidden. To reveal it, hover over any column name and click on the small hamburger menu. Subsequently, click on the table icon to modify the table layout. On this tab, check the “Card Number” box to unveil a new column.
  • This column is exclusively used to list swipe cards for our access control integration with ACT365 and iPevia.
  • To add, edit, or delete a swipe card, click on the pencil button, prompting a new popup to appear.

Employee Permissions

  • This column indicates the group to which an employee belongs and inherits configuration settings.
  • An employee can only be a part of one group at a time.
  • To add or remove an employee from a group, navigate to the “Group Settings” tab.

  • The number in this column represents the zones to which the employee has access. Click on this number to add or remove zones.
  • Note that this field is not editable for employees who belong to a group; changes must be made in the Group Settings.

Join Queue
  • Use the toggle to enable employees to queue for a spot when a zone is fully booked.
  • If set to “Yes,” the employee will be placed on a waiting list and move up each time a spot is released.
  • This field is not editable for employees in a group; adjustments must be made in the Group Settings.

Scheduled Space
  • This column is initially hidden. Hover over any column name, click on the small hamburger menu, and then select the table icon to modify the table layout. Check the “Scheduled Space” box to reveal this informative column.
  • It helps administrators identify employees included in the Scheduler with scheduled bookings.

Team Leader
  • This column is initially hidden. Hover over any column name, click on the small hamburger menu, and then select the table icon to modify the table layout. Check the “Team Leader” box to unveil this informative column.
  • It helps administrators identify employees appointed as Team Leaders, granting them access to and modification capabilities for colleagues’ bookings.

Credit Allocation

  • This column is initially hidden. To display this column, click on the “>” sign next to the “Credit Allocation” column name to expand the table.
  • This represents the number of credits the employee will automatically receive.
  •  To adjust the value, click on the respective cell, make the desired changes, and click outside the cell to save the modifications.
  • This field is not editable for employees in a group; adjustments must be made in the Group Settings.

  • This column is initially hidden. To reveal this column, click on the “>” sign next to the “Credit Allocation” column name to expand the table.
  • This indicates the frequency at which employees will receive their credit refill.
  • Modify the value by clicking on the respective cell, making the desired changes, and clicking outside the cell to save the modifications
  • This field is not editable for employees in a group; adjustments must be made in the Group Settings.

  • This is the number of credits left on the employee account.
  • To modify the value, click on the respective cell, and it will become editable. Make the desired changes and click outside the cell to save the modifications.


  • This column is initially hidden. To reveal it, hover over any column name, click on the small hamburger menu, then click on the table icon and check the “Notifications” box to unveil this column.
  • Use this toggle to control email notifications. When set to “Yes,” employees will receive notifications about their bookings via email.
  • Note that this setting can be overridden by the employee from the app.

Mobile App
  • This column is initially hidden. To reveal it, hover over any column name, click on the small hamburger menu, then click on the table icon and check the “Notifications” box to unveil this column.
  • Use this toggle to manage app notifications. If set to “Yes,” employees will receive push notifications about their bookings on their mobile phones.
  • Note that this setting can be overridden by the employee from the app.

Calendar Sync
  • This column is initially hidden. To reveal it, hover over any column name, click on the small hamburger menu, then click on the table icon and check the “Notifications” box to unveil this column.
  • Use this toggle to control calendar synchronization. When set to “Yes,” all bookings made in Ronspot will automatically be added to the employee’s calendar, including Outlook, Teams, Google, and Windows Calendar.
  • Note that this setting can be overridden by the employee from the app.


  • Active: Active employees can log in to the app and make bookings. To deactivate an employee, simply click on the “Active” link, and a confirmation message will be displayed.
  • Pending: For security reasons, new employee accounts will undergo manual validation by default, except for Single-Sign-On. Click on the “Pending” link to activate an account after validation.
  • Locked: As a security measure, accounts experiencing 3 consecutive password failures will be automatically locked. Click on the “Locked” link to reactivate a locked account.
  • Inactive: Inactive accounts can be viewed in the “Inactive” tab. To reactivate an account, click on the “Inactive” link.


  • Go to Account: This shortcut enables administrators to access an employee’s account through the web view.
  • View Logs: This page displays the history of actions performed by the employee, including bookings, cancellations, check-ins, etc.
  • Reset Password: Use this page to manually reset an employee’s password. An email containing the new password will be automatically sent to the employee.
  • Clear All Bookings: This option allows administrators to delete all bookings made by an employee. Please be aware that this action is irreversible.
  • Delete Employee: Click this button to permanently delete an employee. If the button is greyed out, kindly remove the employee from the scheduler first.
