2020 – Flexwork & the Year of the Pivot

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2020 – Flexwork & the Year of the Pivot

What a year it has been. Since late February, the world and the workplace has changed as we know it.

By Cathal Chambers 17-Dec-2020

Ronspot TeamAt the beginning of 2020, Ronspot focused solely on employee parking management.

Providing solutions to help companies manage their employee car parks with little effort. Today, the company has pivoted and has a much broader focus. On a product called, ‘Flexwork’. Flexwork is the future of working. Also known as, hybrid or blended working. So how did we find ourselves in this situation?

Covid-19 and Parking

When the pandemic hit, employees started to work from home. With the dramatic drop in demand, company car parks were no longer the issue they were. However, as restrictions began to lift during the summer, employees started to return to the office.

This return inspired the idea of incorporating a Hot Desking Solution. Thus, Ronspot Desk was created. Since then, the need for facilities booking systems has grown. With that, so too has Ronspot.

Ronspot Flexwork

ISO Ronspot 27001

Ronspot ISO 27001 Certification

Ronspot Flexwork is the complete, workplace facilities management tool. Incorporating building, parking, hot desking and locker management all in one tool. The solution is app based allowing employees to book from the mobile in their pocket.

Ronspot regulates booking demand using a clever credit system. This system ensures all employees are given a fair chance to book their spaces. We believe that Ronspot can provide one platform, to manage all company facilities. And we are also delighted to announce recent certification in ISO 27001. The gold standard in information management security.

Moving forward…

With the company’s pivot towards a Flexwork solution, the goal is still the same. Ronspot wants to provide a simple, yet complete, facilities management software. Poised to reduce the time employers spend managing facilities. Whilst improving employees experience in the office. The way we work is pivoting, and so have we. If you would like to see more about how our Flexwork tool works, check out website here.

Arrange a Demo with Ronspot Flexwork

See How We Can Solve Your Company Parking & Hot Desking Problems Today

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