Employee Buy-In: Why Does It Matter For Your Business?

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If the 21st century has been defined by anything, it has undoubtably been the digital revolution. From our homes to our workplaces, everything we know has been impacted significantly by technological transformations. Per common knowledge, businesses over the past twenty years have become increasingly reliant on newer, more advanced kinds of technology. Typical workplace positions have been notably altered in an attempt to facilitate the service of this new phenomenon. Facilities managers are now tasked with overseeing the smooth transition of technology in their respective workplace. This includes ensuring that manually skilled employees are capable of effectively using this new equipment.

However, the greater emphasis placed on technology has also proven to have its disadvantages. Generally, there is a growing feeling of marginalisation among employees, many of whom feel redundant working in this new environment. To many it seems manual labour has fallen by the wayside, with more advanced working styles becoming the new norm. Increased apathy is, and always has been, a frequent problem for employees in the workplace. Yet with growing amounts of importance being given to newer forms of employment, this general workplace apathy has the potential to be more damaging than it has ever been before. Hence why “Employee Buy-In” is greatly significant, particularly at this point in time.

What Is Employee Buy-In

A common difficulty for facilities managers is getting employees on-board with different ideas and changes they propose. If one employee is unenthusiastic, or generally displeased, at the prospect of following orders they disagree with, that employee is most likely not going to work as hard at the given task. However, if there are widespread feelings of displeasure and dissatisfaction with the decisions made by the manager, then this can quickly lead to a series of difficulties. A decline in productivity and an unhappy work environment are just a couple of the problems that may arise. To avoid these issues, many are beginning to look toward “Employee Buy-In”.

“Employee Buy-In” is exactly what it sounds like, employees buying into what their managers have proposed. It relies mostly on a positive working relationship between boss and employee. If the employee respects their manager, then there is a level of trust that will develop. Trust is essentially the foundation of a “buy-in”, trust between the two parties. Confidence from the employee that the manager is making the correct decisions for their organization. The employee will then buy into, or commit, to the proposed plans or changes, creating a positive and productive work environment.


Given the sweeping transformations that are impacting numerous industries at the current time, facilities managers all over the world are being forced to implement new changes into their businesses. “Employee Buy-In” is arguably more important now than it has ever been. With increased use of advanced technology becoming the new norm, companies worldwide are continuously experiencing more and more profound changes as the years go by. Employees must buy into this operating style if they plan on securing their futures in this progressively competitive labour force.

employee buy-in is necessary for strong culture

Ronspot is a company that places special focus on adapting to the ever-developing climate of technology. While the future presents excitement, there is also uncertainty, and a sense of fear for many workers. However, contrary to many peoples’ preconceived notions of technology, Ronspot specialises in apps that are quick, effective and easy-to-use. Even beginners will find Ronspot apps useful in regard to parking, flexwork and desk management issues. The accessibility of essential working equipment will make it easier for employees to buy into the future of their companies.

COVID-19 and Employment Buy-In

The integration of newer technologies into the workplace has caused a stir among the workforce. As stated, many feel disenfranchised and redundant working with machinery that can do their duties just as well, and sometimes better. The impact of Covid-19 has only strengthened these feelings of disenfranchisement. Now that companies worldwide have been forced to place an even larger emphasis on technology, not only to increase productivity, but also to relieve any immediate health concerns. As a result, “Employee Buy-Ins” seem all the more essential for a smooth operating work environment.

It is a particularly stressful time for employees nationwide. Many are in the process of adapting to a workplace return for the first time in over a year, while others are only in the planning stages of a return. Others are not even sure if they will ever get the opportunity to return to their workplace again. Loss of employment due to Covid-19 cutbacks is a prospect that is all too common for workers during this period.

A by-product of “Employee Buy-Ins” is better communication between co-workers and employers. It cannot be overstated how significant clear communication between employers and employees is at this time. Communicating information to personnel regarding their workplace and employment status, whether positive or negative, would go a long way to easing the general anxiety among the working population.


The nature of a regular nine to five job is undergoing significant change. With the effects of Covid-19 still raging through everyday life, this is perhaps no surprise. New working methods are required to combat growing health concerns.  As a result, flexwork has grown significantly in popularity across the country. Allowing employees to operate at more convenient hours, while also prioritising health and safety, has allowed companies to prosper with satisfied workforces.

flexwork is the future for creating strong employee buy-in

At Ronspot, flexwork is promoted heavily among its staff. Pleasing the worker’s needs will prove to be a vital aspect in establishing employment buy-in. With Ronspot Desk, employees have the opportunity to book desks at certain times, thereby avoiding unnecessary contact with co-workers. This allows for increased social distancing, relaxing any fears many have regarding potential health hazards. Ensuring widespread peace of mind for employees is of course an important concern for all facilities managers. Flexwork is perhaps the most effective method of achieving this. And with a calm, relaxed workforce, employment buy-in is all the more possible.

Establishing Employee Buy-In

It is impossible to guarantee that all employees will be receptive to the transformations that are currently sweeping businesses nationwide. Changes brought about due to the continuing technological revolution and Coronavirus outbreak seem to be never ending. It appears that we have hit merely the tip of the iceberg in this regard. It is difficult for anyone to imagine what the workplace in ten years will look like, with the future becoming harder and harder to predict. However, if anything has been proven by the outbreak of the coronavirus, it is that the general workforce is capable of adapting to ever-changing landscapes.

It is not necessarily a requirement to establish widespread agreement to ensure effective change within a business. Rather, a buy-in is the accumulation of support that make these changes possible. Workers do not have to ardently agree with changes in order to support them. If workers have developed an all-important trustworthy relationship with their superiors, then they will have the confidence to put their faith in the higher decisions.

Methods And Effects

There are a number of simple methods that can be implemented to widen employment buy-in. A boss/manager can gain the trust of employees by simply:

  • Communicating frequently with workers regarding business matters – employees being kept more in the loop with company matters helps to quash any fears they may have about being left behind and laid off amid the currently turbulent social climate. With their futures secured, they will be able to devote themselves to their company’s respective duties, and buy into their manager’s policies.
  • Dealing with any workplace issues/disputes as quickly and efficiently as possible –workplace disputes are unfortunately inevitable at a time when employees are feeling increasingly marginalized and apathetic. They have the potential to poison any positive working environment, so actions on behalf of managers to settle these matters will be regarded with respect and relief by employees.
  • Ensuring everyone in the workplace has a right to voice his/her opinions – a manager’s openness to listen and discuss their workers’ opinions will make them feel more important and valued. Any actions that make employees feel less ignored will quell any fears of growing apathy, ensuring increased employment buy-in.
  • Getting to know employees on an individual level – an intimate relationship between the employer and employee will of course generate a certain amount of trust between the two parties. This is perhaps the most fruitful way of expanding employment buy-in. A more positive and friendlier work environment also predictably results in greater efficiency and work productivity.
  • Encouraging increased teamwork to accomplish a common goal – making employees feel a part of a team will encourage increased communication in the workplace. Feeling more integral in their position, employees will be less likely to experience marginalized or redundant emotions in a company stressing advanced technology usage. Sharing ideas and inspiring camaraderie will make it easier for many to buy into their leader’s ideas.


Of course, a great deal of effort is required for such methods to be effective. It is one thing to carry out these tasks, but it is another thing to mean them. If a manager fails in being sincere when trying to widen employee buy-in, then it can potentially undermine the whole concept. Dissatisfaction and disillusionment may set in among workers. Hence, the significance of discipline and commitment for managers and bosses nationwide. These characteristics may prove to be the most significant aspect of a leader’s management style. Such a style may result in the maximisation and sustained success of a business project in the long-run.

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