Cardinal Health background

Cardinal Health

Cardinal Health is an American multinational health care company, providing medical products and services for healthcare providers and manufacturers all around the globe.

With nearly three times more employees than parking spaces available, they were looking for a parking solution that ensured a fair distribution of parking spaces within the company.

Health Care

Dublin, Ireland

80+ Employees

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In 2018, Cardinal Health moved their EMEA Headquarters into South County Business Park in Dublin, Ireland.

But due to limited parking spaces on-site, they quickly run into problems with the management of their car park:

  • some employees would get spaces all the time
  • other employees would be left out and never be able to park on-site
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The implementation of the Ronspot mobile app and its built-in credit-booking system have been a game changer for the Cardinal Health staff.

Instead of using a first come, first served system, Ronspot has been limiting the number of bookings every employee can make via a clever system of credits. This way, all employees are now given the same opportunity to reserve parking. The limited credits have also stopped employees from overbooking at the expense of their colleagues.

Additionally, giving the ability to employees to release parking spaces when not being used so that others employees could avail of them has been greatly appreciated and has helped maximize the parking occupancy.

Ronspot Users
Car Spaces
Parking Occupancy
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Ronspot has had a direct impact on the car park efficiency, offering the ability to release parking spaces when not being used so others could avail of them.


“Everyone using the parking app are big fans – It makes life much easier and less stressful.”


Ronspot has given administrators back many hours of their day that could otherwise have been taken up conflicts during the morning rush hour on the limited parking at their building.

I am a huge supporter of Ronspot and have no hesitation recommending it to any new and potential customers. Ronspot are very pro-active in finding a solution for all challenges that come up.

Margaret Geraghty

Operations Manager

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