Cancel a meeting

From the app

Step 1 – On the Ronspot mobile app, go to the home screen 

Step 2 – You are presented with a list of all your bookings, scroll down with your finger to view the full list

Step 3 – Click on the Cancel meeting link under the booking you wish to cancel

Step 4 – This will open a new pop-up window asking you if you want to cancel the meeting. Select Cancel meeting.

If the meeting is recurring, you will have the option to Cancel this occurrence or Cancel series

From the web portal

Step 1 – On the web portal, navigate to the Meetings tab on the sidebar.

Step 2 – This will open your meetings list. This will be a list of all your upcoming meetings. In this list, find the meeting you wish to cancel.


Step 3 – Once you have found the correct meeting, click on the Cancel button on the right hand side of the screen. This will open a pop-up screen.

Step 4 – On this screen you can choose to cancel All occurrences of this meeting, or choose the specific date you would like to cancel (i.e. if you want to cancel one of the meetings in this recurring series).

Step 5 – Once you select your desired option, click Confirm. This will in turn cancel the chosen meetings. An email update will be sent out to all members of the participants list to update them on the meeting cancellation.
