Change or reset my password

Select ‘Change my password’ if you are already logged in. Choose ‘Reset my password’ if you wish to recover your account.

  1. Change my password
  2. Reset my password

Change my password

From the app

Step 1 – Tap on this icon Additional settings icon in the navigation bar to access the additional settings

Step 2 – Tap on  CHANGE PASSWORD

Step 3 – Type your old and new passwords

Step 4 – Click on SAVE

From the web portal

Step 1 – On the web portal, click on Change Password in the sidebar menu

Step 2 – Type your old and new passwords

Step 3 – Click on Update Now

blankReset my password

From the app

Step 1 – Open the Ronspot mobile app and go to the LOGIN tab

Step 2 – Enter your work email address, then press NEXT

Step 3 – Select the option Login with email address

Step 4 – Click on the Forgot your password? link (see image)

Step 5 – You will receive an email to reset your password

From the web portal

Step 1 – Navigate to the login page, click on Continue with email and click on the Forgot Password? link.

Reset my password

Step 2 – Enter your email address and submit

Step 3 – You will receive an email to reset your password
