Upload a parking map

Create a parking zone


Step 1 – On the admin panel, click on Zones / Maps in the sidebar menu

Step 2 – Click on the blue button + Add Zone

Step 3 – Fill out the fields (see image)

  • Name: Type the name of your zone
    • it can be the number of the parking floor, the street name, etc.
    • the name will be visible by employees on the app, so make sure to use a recognisable name
  • Type: Select Parking Zone
  • Layout: Select I have a map
  • Timezone: Select your local time zone for the booking time to match
  • Status: Select Active

Step 4 – Click on Complete

Upload your parking map

Step 5 – Find your parking in the list and click on the Map button

Step 6 – Click on Choose file , select your parking map (.jpg or .png format), and click on Upload

Select your parking spaces

Step 7 – Drag and drop the Space Selector to the map (see image)

Step 8 – Give a number to your parking space (keep it short, 2-3 characters max) and click on Save

Step 9 – Click on the shape to move it and resize it

  • Move: Click on the shape, hold down and drag
  • Resize: Mouse over the borders, your cursor will change (from a hand to a double arrow), click, hold down and drag
  • Rotate: right-click on the square, then choose “Configuration”, change the value of “Rotation” and click on “Save”

Step 10 – Repeat for the other parking spaces

Once you’re finished, don’t forget to click on Publish map Yes at the top of the page to make the map visible to your employees